Watch as they discuss:
• Key lessons and learnings from AT&T
• Why you need to invest in your workforce development
• How companies can reskill their workforce to be competitive
The hard reality is that a lack of relevant skills is the number one barrier organizations face for digital transformation. AT&T recognized this early on and quickly worked to position itself as a leader in tech innovation. This reinvention meant that they had to source skilled talent quickly, leading to a massive upskilling initiative within the company.
About the Speakers

John Donovan
CEO of AT&T Communications
John Donovan is CEO of AT&T Communications and is responsible for the bulk of AT&T’s global telecommunications and U.S. video services businesses, including its Business, Mobility and Entertainment, and Technology & Operations groups.

Sebastian Thrun
Founder, President, and Executive Chairman of Udacity
Sebastian Thrun is a scientist, educator, inventor, and entrepreneur. As the Founder, President, and Executive Chairman of Udacity, Sebastian’s mission is to democratize education by providing lifelong learning to millions of students worldwide.